Assembly Instructions – Assassins Creed Brotherhood da Vinci’s Flying Machine

Greetings Assassin’s Creed fans,

By now, you probably already know that we’re bringing Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood DaVinci’s Flying Machine to life in all its glory. This awesome feat of engineering (ours and Leonardo’s, I should add) is a GameStop exclusive and is currently available for sale.

Due to its huge success, we have a decent amount of people asking for the assembly instructions. Well, here they are:

Putting Your DaVinci Flying Machine together

Because the glider wingspan extends over 2 feet and the wings and tail are articulated, it’d be impossible to ship it assembled. It is, however, quick and fun to put the Glider together.

Flying Footage

Quick Reminder

A 6″-7″ scale figure can be placed in the harness underneath and the cannon pivots and fires a spring loaded projectile. If you’ve set yours up, please share some pictures with us over on our Fan Page or reply to Randy on Twitter.

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